8:30am Registration/ expo time
8:45am Voice over
8:55am Voice over
8:59am Voice over
9:00am Conference Kick off- Cheryl Orange
9:23am Opening up speaker
9:30am Developing a business plan/ managing your time effectively
10:30 Ice breaker- MC
10:42 Performance (Singer, Comedian)
10:45 Social Media/ Blogging/ Facebook/ Instagram (Abby Loper)
11:15 MC
11:17 Moving-on-up Surrounding yourself with advisors and mentors (Montiqua Pettway)
11:47 Break
12:00 Set up for lunch
12:15 Voice over
12:19 Voice over
12:20 Properly investing in yourself/ Dressing for success
1:20 MC
1:25 Fashion Show
1:45 Break
2:00 Voice Over
2:03 Voice Over
2:05 MC
2:10 Chad and David Business 101 (Finding your passion, doing your homework, embracing rejection as a possibility for growth, going from ground zero to phenomenal growth.)
3:10 MC
3:15 Wrap Up/ More prizes
3:30 MC to close /expo time